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File #: RES 23-473    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 4/5/2023
Title: Authorizing the City to apply for and host two MN GreenCorps members.
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen


Authorizing the City to apply for and host two MN GreenCorps members.



WHEREAS, The Mayor’s Office and the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) have each applied to host an AmeriCorps member from the Minnesota GreenCorps, a program of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), for the 2023-2024 program year; and


WHEREAS, the PED role will be focused on creating a new tool to track the performance of buildings that have been covered by the City’s Sustainable Building Ordinance, developing case studies of some of those developments, and preparing public communications about those case studies; and


WHEREAS the Mayor’s Office role will be focused on outreach and education activities related to the City’s Climate Action Dashboard, the work of the Climate Justice Advisory Board, and the planned East Side expansion of the EV Spot Network and Evie Carshare programs; and


WHEREAS, if the MPCA selects the City of Saint Paul for one or both of these positions, the City of Saint Paul is committed to implementing the proposed project(s) as described in the host site application, including in-kind contributions of workspace, access to a computer and phone, and staff time of host supervisors in each department, and in accordance with the pre-scoped position description; and


WHEREAS, the MPCA requires that the City of Saint Paul enter into a host site agreement with the MPCA that identifies the terms, conditions, roles, and responsibilities; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED THAT the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees, if selected, to enter into and sign a host site agreement(s) with the MPCA to carry out the member activities specified therein and to comply with all of the terms, conditions, and matching provisions of the host site agreement and authorizes and directs CRO Russ Stark to sign the grant agreement on its behalf.


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